Eco-certification and sustainability
At the Innamincka Hotel, we have adopted a tread lightly approach to all of our operations. We strive to reduce, re-use and recycle and we encourage our staff, visitors and contractors to do the same. We are committed to sustainable tourism and preserving the outback's natural beauty, wildlife and environment for future generations.

We hold Ecotourism Certification with Ecotourism Australia; this certification is given to ecologically sustainable tourism companies with a primary focus on experiencing natural areas that foster environmental and cultural understanding, appreciation and conservation.
For more info visit:
Some of the ways that we are working towards the future are:
Investment in solar power
With the instillation of a 200 KW solar system comprising of 774 solar panels and 144 storage batteries that provides 60% of our energy needs.
Energy efficient accommodation
Our accommodation has been designed with the harsh environment in mind, with design features in every room to optimise energy efficiency.
Green architecture
Native flowering plants have been used where possible to provide shade and attract local fauna.
Recycled paper products are used throughout all operations and we recycle all glass, plastic, aluminium cans and cardboard.
We take care to use cleaning products that are recognised as environmentally friendly.
Minimising food waste
Kitchen scraps are utilised as feed for the worm farms (producing natural fertiliser) and in composting.
Interpretation material for education is provided through all operations.
We continue to evolve our approach and our commitment to ensuring operations at the Innamincka Hotel are run with respect for our beautiful outback environment.
If you are interested in learning more about sustainable traveling, you may find more helpful information on the following sites:
Our Sustainability Pledge
Welcome to Innamincka. Visitors are our valued guests, our biggest supporters and a mix of both our newest and oldest friends. We ask that our visitors are also our partners in protecting Innamincka's environment and community by engaging in sustainable traveller behaviours.

Join us in doing your part to help our patch of the outback to stay healthy and vibrant for many generations to come by following the Aussie Travel Code. It will help you get the most out of this incredible region, and leave it a little better than you found it.