We want everyone to feel welcome at the Innamincka Hotel and we will always try our best to make sure your stay is as comfortable as possible. Accessibility challenges are unique to each person so we're always happy to answer any specific questions you might have about the layout and facilities of our accommodation and pub. Whether you need to know the distance from your room to the dining room, the number of towels available, information on the handles in the bathrooms, a room close to the pub/dining due to low vision, or the dimensions of the doorways, we're just an email or call away.
At the Innamincka Hotel, all of our rooms and the pub are single level so we don't have any stairs.
Quick facts
- We have two (2) accessible rooms, both with queen beds
- Both rooms have handrails in the bathrooms and are wheelchair accessible
- Our doorways into the pub are wheelchair accessible
Let us know how to help
If you're coming to visit us or stay, please don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss how we can make your stay as stress free as possible. Outback hospitality is always about giving our absolute best, so rest assured, you'll be looked after the best we can.